How will you mark this transition, in the northern hemisphere, with the shortest day marking our move into winter and perhaps more time indoors?
How do we respond to tragic news? My June newsletter.
How are you feeling?
Gifts of Reiki
What gift has reiki brought to my life? What gift has reiki brought to the world? To me…my health, my husband, daughter and home. To the world…a loving expression of discipline.
Where am I now… ?
Over the past few months as we have seen change in our daily routines and in our world on a massive scale, I have sometimes felt the tumult of change inside my body as if the unrest in the world was also in me. Unsettling.
Resilience… the capacity to recover from difficulties or spring back into shape.
Pearls of Wisdom and Advice from Wanja Twan
Today I came across this piece which I wrote shortly after Wanja had passed and thought, now is the time to post this. Wanja has wisdom to be shared. Wanja was a master initiated by Hawayo Takata, at once very down to earth and a spiritual visionary. She was a story teller and was highly respected in the reiki community.
Virtual Hugging
I am writing this post during the Covid-19 isolation period, when so many of us are feeling touch deprived. Whether we are home alone or with family members or we are working where we see many people, we are not in contact with people the way we normally would be.
Rest, Relax, Restore during COVID-19
Are you anxious about not working or relieved to have time? Probably a mix of these, while we all stay home and physically distance to curb the spread of Covid-19. We can use this time to rest, reflect and restore. We can take time to build resilience.
Ki Breathing
Ki breathing is a tool to help you relax in mind and body, promote sleep and enhance healing. It is the simplest and most accessible tool in my course, ‘Ki to Health=Ki to Happiness’.