Over the past few months as we have seen change in our daily routines and in our world on a massive scale, I have sometimes felt the tumult of change inside my body as if the unrest in the world was also in me. Unsettling. I was given the go ahead to return to my shiatsu/reiki practice at the beginning of June, with very clear guidelines for cleanliness and interaction. I am able to work with people as I always have yet it is not the same. I must clean surfaces, wear a mask, ask questions…. the added requirements have meant that I have only opened my practice to clients who had been seeing me regularly and I am not taking new clients.
I have worked out health precaution measures for other events which I am planning, including ritualized hand-washing and limiting numbers to allow for distancing.
I am looking forward to the nature constellation day this summer, where we can gather according to provincial guidelines, in a healing circle. Again, because of the Covid-19 restrictions, we have altered the event, so that we will each look after our own needs. No potluck or shared snacks this year.
I am currently working on putting my Ki to Health=Ki to Happiness course online. This course is an experiential introduction to Traditional Asian medicine, which cultivates balance and harmony to create strength and resilience in the body. Watching the Covid-19 health crisis unfold, I felt more motivated than ever to share this knowledge of Traditional Asian Medicine, to assist in building health and resilience so that we are prepared for challenges when they come. I am surprised at what a huge undertaking it is to put a course I have taught for years into an online format! I am hoping to run a small in person class this summer in which we will take some video to use in the online course. The Ki Breathing video on this website is a component of the course and a great way to begin to cultivate Ki, the vital energy.
Where am I now… ?